Saturday, October 7, 2017

Week 5 Plan

This week we will be focusing on the following (not necessarily in the correct order):

  • Introduction to Aesop's Fables
  • Reading & Comprehension: The Fox and the Goat
  • Reviewing vocabulary from Rumpelstiltskin (in class dictionary work)
  • Storytelling: Students will have to tell their story (the one they wrote over the weekend)
  • Grammar: Conjunctions & Compound Sentences
  • Grammar: Capitalization and Punctuation
  • Introduction to Citing and Research Paper 
  • Spelling bonus quiz (you will need to study the words from your previous spelling tests, the ones I got in the quiz - not the full list)
  • Quiz: There will be a quiz on Tuesday. Students will need to study the following:
  1. Rumpelstiltskin
  2. Sequence Words
  3. Elements of a Fairytale
  4. Suffixes
*please note that all weekly plans are subject to change

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