Saturday, December 2, 2017

Social Studies Competition on Tuesday!

The competition will be taking place on Tuesday! During our Social Studies lessons on Sunday and Monday, you will be asked to sit in your groups and study for the competition. You need to work together - I cannot stress this enough.

This time, you will be given more time to answer - but I will ask each individual in your group. If that Individual cannot answer, the question will move to the next group. If still unanswered, the question will go back to a different individual in the first group - and so on. This means that all students need to study. This is preparation for your exams as well!

This will count as a quiz, and all topics from Quarter 1 & 2 will be included. This means you need to study the entire India chapter extremely well! Remember, you need to UNDERSTAND everything, not just memorize - otherwise you will not be able to compete properly.

Good Luck!