Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Social Studies Notes (Wednesday October 11) - Indus Valley Civilization

- Cities in the Indus Valley:

  • Huge Earth mounds dot the Indus Valley
  • People found burnt bricks and tiny stone seals covered with a mysterious writing near them
  • This caused further exploration of the mounds
  • Archaeologists uncovered the ruins of the Ancient civilization
- Early Inhabitants:
  • Civilization along the Indus river began with agriculture
  • Earliest farmers raised wheat and barley
  • By 3000 B.C, they were the first people in Asia to grow cotton and turn it into fabric
  • They learned how to make copper and bronze tools, which were more effective than stone tools
  • People in villages traded with one another
  • Over time, the Indus valley people began to trade with people farther away
  • The wealth they gained from trade helped them develop a more complex culture
- Great Cities:
  • By 2500 B.C some villages had grown to be great cities
  • The Indus and Saraswati valleys had hundreds of cities
  • At least 35,000 people may have lived in:
    • Mohenjo-Daro
    • Harappa
  • These were the largest cities
  • This civilization featured planned cities
  • These were cities that were built according to a design
  • Architects surrounded these cities with heavy brick protected walls 
  • City streets crossed each other in a neat grid with square corners
  • The streets had homes, shops and factories
  • The city had large public buildings, likely used for Religious or government functions
- Dealing with Problems:
  • People in large cities always have to deal with the problem of removing human waste
  • Harappan cities were very advanced in that area: almost every house contained a bathroom and a toilet
  • Underground sewers carried away the waste
  • People need to use much planning and organization to build such complex cities
  • Because of that, historians believe that ancient Harappans must have had powerful leaders 
  • We do not know if priests or kings or a combination of both ruled the Harappans, but their government must have been strong

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