Friday, October 27, 2017

WALL-E Vocabulary

Inhabitant (noun): someone or something that lives in a place; resident.
Ex: The inhabitants of the village knew each other.

Amiable (adjective): having or showing a friendly manner.
Ex: She is so amiable that everyone loves being with her

Devastate (verb): to destroy or ruin.
Ex: An earthquake devastated the village.

Survive (verb): continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
Ex: They had so little food that it was a miracle they survived.

Befuddle (verb): cause to become unable to think clearly. To confuse.
Ex: Even in my befuddled state I could see that they meant trouble.

Sedentary (adjective): tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.
Ex: A sedentary lifestyle could lead to weight gain.

Obese (adjective): grossly fat or overweight.
Ex: His sedentary lifestyle led to his obesity.

Dump (noun): a site for depositing rubbish.

Ex: We took our trash to the town dump.
To dump (verb): throw away.
Ex: We dumped our trash outside.

Pollution (noun): the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
Ex: The sky over the city is filled with pollution.

Extinct (adjective): no longer existing.
Ex: Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

Disaster (noun): a sudden event causing much damage or suffering.
Ex: The volcanic eruption was a disaster for the town.

Soil (noun): the top layer of the earth's surface.
Ex: Blueberries need very acid soil to grow.

Dust storm (noun): a strong, turbulent wind which carries clouds of fine dust, soil, and sand over a large area.
Ex: Her car was filthy after the dust storm.

Outer space (noun): region beyond the atmosphere of the earth.
Ex: The spacecraft will fly into outer space to explore the moon.

Trash compactor (noun): a machine that compacts rubbish.
Ex: Wall-E is a trash compactor.

Caution (noun): a warning.
Ex: Always pay attention to the signs of caution on the way.

Prevent (verb): to keep or stop from happening.
Ex: The iron gate prevented cars from entering.

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